Help is on your way!

Indivisual Counselling

Sharing helps individuals to understand
themselves better and helps them to address their emotional difficulties in a more adaptive fashion. These difficulties could be something they are facing in day to day life, a situation they are unable to deal with, a decision they find difficult to make, a relationship they find difficult to handle and
feelings that they find difficult to
accept and deal with.

Child Counselling

Providing your little ones with an environment where they can explore their difficulties through child-friendly and holistic approaches.This primarily involves ‘play therapy’. Children, owing to their still developing language and communication skills often cannot express themselves verbally. They can relate to symbols better, such as are found in stories, picture books, puppets and drawings. This
also makes therapy enjoyable for

Parent Counselling

You learn what is needed to function optimally within your family. We provide you with the guidance and support you need to provide a stable and healthy childhood experience for your child. The truth is, people tend to assume that parenting is just comes naturally, when for most it doesn’t. Having children and understanding how to parent are two totally different things. To be honest, there is no such thing as a “perfect parent.” It’s a
myth like a unicorn or

Marriage Counselling

We focus on improving your communication and conflict-resolution skills We help you learn the tools you need to strengthen your marriage. Personal
and family relationships can be both fulfilling and challenging. Therefore, we help you understand yourself – your emotions and behaviors – the
better you can communicate with loved ones
(including your spouse), manage your
stress, and effectively function
in your daily life.

Career Counselling

Our motto is on helping one understand one’s
own self, work trends, so that one can take
an informed decision about career and education.
This helps manage problems such as low
concentration levels to poor time management,
trust issues with family to non-agreement between parents and children on which career to choose.
We conduct Career Assessment to evaluate
what kind of careers would be
suitable for you.

Indivisual Counselling

Sharing helps individuals to understand
themselves better and helps them to address their emotional difficulties in a more adaptive fashion. These difficulties could be something they are facing in day to day life, a situation they are unable to deal with, a decision they find difficult to make, a relationship they find difficult to handle and
feelings that they find difficult to
accept and deal with.

Child Counselling

Providing your little ones with an environment where they can explore their difficulties through child-friendly and holistic approaches.This primarily involves ‘play therapy’. Children, owing to their still developing language and communication skills often cannot express themselves verbally. They can relate to symbols better, such as are found in stories, picture books, puppets and drawings. This
also makes therapy enjoyable for

Parent Counselling

You learn what is needed to function optimally within your family. We provide you with the guidance and support you need to provide a stable and healthy childhood experience for your child. The truth is, people tend to assume that parenting is just comes naturally, when for most it doesn’t. Having children and understanding how to parent are two totally different things. To be honest, there is no such thing as a “perfect parent.” It’s a
myth like a unicorn or

Marriage Counselling

We focus on improving your communication and conflict-resolution skills We help you learn the tools you need to strengthen your marriage. Personal
and family relationships can be both fulfilling and challenging. Therefore, we help you understand yourself – your emotions and behaviors – the
better you can communicate with loved ones
(including your spouse), manage your
stress, and effectively function
in your daily life.

Career Counselling

Our motto is on helping one understand one’s
own self, work trends, so that one can take
an informed decision about career and education.
This helps manage problems such as low
concentration levels to poor time management,
trust issues with family to non-agreement between parents and children on which career to choose.
We conduct Career Assessment to evaluate
what kind of careers would be
suitable for you.

Indivisual Counselling

Sharing helps individuals to understand
themselves better and helps them to address their emotional difficulties in a more adaptive fashion. These difficulties could be something they are facing in day to day life, a situation they are unable to deal with, a decision they find difficult to make, a relationship they find difficult to handle and
feelings that they find difficult to
accept and deal with.

Child Counselling

Providing your little ones with an environment where they can explore their difficulties through child-friendly and holistic approaches.This primarily involves ‘play therapy’. Children, owing to their still developing language and communication skills often cannot express themselves verbally. They can relate to symbols better, such as are found in stories, picture books, puppets and drawings. This
also makes therapy enjoyable for

Parent Counselling

You learn what is needed to function optimally within your family. We provide you with the guidance and support you need to provide a stable and healthy childhood experience for your child. The truth is, people tend to assume that parenting is just comes naturally, when for most it doesn’t. Having children and understanding how to parent are two totally different things. To be honest, there is no such thing as a “perfect parent.” It’s a
myth like a unicorn or

Marriage Counselling

We focus on improving your communication and conflict-resolution skills We help you learn the tools you need to strengthen your marriage. Personal and family relationships can be both fulfilling and challenging. Therefore, we help you understand yourself – your emotions and behaviors – the better you can communicate with loved ones
(including your spouse), manage your
stress, and effectively function
in your daily life.

Career Counselling

Our motto is on helping one understand one’s
own self, work trends, so that one can take
an informed decision about career and education.
This helps manage problems such as low
concentration levels to poor time management,
trust issues with family to non-agreement between parents and children on which career to choose.
We conduct Career Assessment to evaluate
what kind of careers would be
suitable for you.

Contact us today to get the help you need.

Therapy to chill you down

Stress Management Therapy

Stress is a natural part of life. It comes in many forms: emotional, mental, and/or physical. The occasional stressors are harmless to our health. In fact, stressors can be utilized to push us to work towards important goals, or motivate us
out of a bad situation. Moderate levels of stress allow the body and mind to respond at a faster speed. However, when the stressor becomes chronic, it can cause significant mental strain and long-term health problems.

Behaviour Therapy

There are several types of behavioral therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most beneficial ways to deal with stress. In CBT, people are taught to recognize and change negative thought patterns and apply different tools to help them improve their negative-self talk to be more positive. For relieving stress, this means people can learn to be less hard on themselves and to recognize that it’s ok to reduce some of their burdens

Thinking Disorder Therapy

A thought disorder is not a specific diagnosis per se, rather it is a term that is used to describe a type of cognitive dysfunction that affects a person’s ability to generate logical speech, writing, and behavior. A thought disorder disrupts a person’s thought process. It is a disturbance in the organization and expression of thought, which causes incoherent or illogical speech and behavior. Thought disorders are found in autism and other serious illnesses

Career Assessment Therapy

A thought disorder is not a specific diagnosis per se, rather it is a term that is used to describe a type of cognitive dysfunction that affects a person’s ability to generate logical speech, writing, and behavior. A thought disorder disrupts a person’s thought process. It is a disturbance in the organization and expression of thought, which causes incoherent or illogical speech and behavior. Thought disorders are found in autism and other serious illnesses

Anger Management Therapy

We all know what it’s like to feel angry. It’s a natural human emotion, that is invoked when we experience hurt, injustice, fear, and frustration. We can easily tell when we are angry by the powerful physical response in the body, such as a rush of adrenaline, increased blood pressure, heart rate and fast breathing that often takes over us.However, it is how we react to the anger, in non-life-threatening situations that can lead to real problems.

Life Therapy

A life coach is a professional who specializes in helping others make behavior changes. These professionals help with a wide variety of issues from relationship problems to career changes.
Life coaches are professionally-trained to help
you reach your full potential. They help motivate and keep you accountable. A life coach can help you identify and get past roadblocks that keep you from achieving your goals.

Attention Disorder Therapy

ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders that affect children. This neuro developmental disorder is rooted in brain development and affects a person’s ability to stay on task, pay attention and control
impulsivity. ADHD often persists into adulthood. People with ADHD may experience thought disorder symptoms, as well. It can be difficult for kids to ADHD to engage in logical conversations at times.

Emotional Therapy

Rational emotive behavior therapy was one
of the first cognitive behavior therapies. It is
also known as REBT. It is a form of cognitive behavior therapy that emphasizes
reorganizing cognitive and emotional
functions, redefining problems, and changing attitudes in order to develop more acceptable patterns of behavior.


Stress Management

Stress is a natural part of life. It comes in many forms: emotional, mental, and/or physical. In fact, stressors can be utilized
to push us to work towards important
goals. Excessive stress can cause significant mental strain and long-term health problems.

Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most beneficial ways to deal with stress. In CBT, people are taught to recognize and change negative thought patterns and apply different tools to help them improve their negative-self talk to be more positive.

Thinking Disorder

A thought disorder is not a specific diagnosis per se, rather it is a term that is used to describe a type of cognitive dysfunction that affects a person’s ability
to generate logical speech, writing, and behavior. A thought disorder disrupts a person’s thought process.

Career Assessment

A thought disorder is not a specific diagnosis per se, rather it is a term that is used to describe a type of cognitive dysfunction that affects a person’s ability to generate logical speech, writing, and behavior. A thought disorder disrupts a person’s thought process.

Anger Management

We all know what it’s like to feel angry. It is invoked when we experience hurt, fear, and frustration. When we are angry response
in the body, such as a rush of adrenaline
and fast breathing that often takes over us.However, it is how we react in non-life-threatening situations that can lead to
real problems.

Life Therapy

A life coach is a professional who
specializes in helping others make
behavior changes. These professionals
help with a wide variety of issues from relationship problems to career changes.Life coaches are trained to help
you reach your full potential.

Attention Disorder

ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders that affect children. This
neuro developmental disorder is rooted
in brain development and affects a person’s ability to stay on task, pay attention and control impulsivity. People with ADHD may experience thought disorder symptoms.

Emotional Therapy

Rational emotive behavior therapy was one of the first cognitive behavior therapies.
It is also known as REBT. Cognitive
behavior therapy emphasizes
reorganizing cognitive and emotional functions and changing attitudes in order to develop more acceptable behavior.

Stress Management

Stress is a natural part of life. It comes in many forms: emotional, mental, and/or physical. In fact, stressors can be utilized
to push us to work towards important
goals. Excessive stress can cause significant mental strain and long-term health problems.

Behaviour Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most beneficial ways to deal with stress. In CBT, people are taught to recognize and change negative thought patterns and apply different tools to help them improve their negative-self talk to be more positive.

Thinking Disorder

A thought disorder is not a specific diagnosis per se, rather it is a term that is used to describe a type of cognitive dysfunction that affects a person’s ability
to generate logical speech, writing, and behavior. A thought disorder disrupts a person’s thought process.

Career Assessment

A thought disorder is not a specific diagnosis per se, rather it is a term that is used to describe a type of cognitive dysfunction that affects a person’s ability to generate logical speech, writing, and behavior. A thought disorder disrupts a person’s thought process.

Anger Management

We all know what it’s like to feel angry. It is invoked when we experience hurt, fear, and frustration. When we are angry response in the body, such as a rush of adrenaline and fast breathing that often takes over us.However, it is how we react in non-life-threatening situations

Life Therapy

A life coach is a professional who
specializes in helping others make
behavior changes. These professionals
help with a wide variety of issues from relationship problems to career changes.Life coaches are trained to help
you reach your full potential.

Attention Disorder

ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders that affect children. This
neuro developmental disorder is rooted
in brain development and affects a person’s ability to stay on task, pay attention and control impulsivity. People with ADHD may experience it.

Emotional Therapy

Rational emotive behavior therapy was one of the first cognitive behavior therapies.It is also known as REBT. Cognitive behavior therapy emphasize
reorganizing cognitive and emotional functions and changing attitudes in order to develop more acceptable behavior.

Taste our tests !

Intelligence Test

A questionnaire designed to measure intelligence. We measure learning and/or ability in a wide variety of areas and skills. Scores may be presented as an IQ (intelligence quotient), as a mental age, or on a scale.

Personality Test

To identify characteristic sets of behaviors, cognitions, and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors tihs test is a must!In the field of psychology, there are five higher-order and widely accepted personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.

Aptitude Test

An aptitude test is a systematic means of testing a job candidate's abilities to perform specific tasks and react to a range of different situations. ... No prior knowledge is assumed, as the tests seek to determine innate ability at a particular competency.

Ability Test

Ability tests are assessment tools with which, mostly employers, test and evaluate their employees or job candidates on certain skills and abilities. Assessment tests can measure various skills from problem solving, communication, manual dexterity, critical thinking and other.

Achievement Test

An achievement test is a test of developed skill or knowledge. The most common type of achievement test is a standardized test developed to measure skills and knowledge learned in a given grade level, usually through planned instruction, such as training or classroom instruction.

Vocational Aptitude Test

If you're learning a skill that could lead to a specific job, like how to repair cars or how to be a chef, you're getting vocational training ,so something vocational is related to a specific kind of work. A predictive test designed to measure an individual's potential for success and satisfaction in any of various occupations and professions.

Direct Observation Test

Direct observation, also known as observational study, is a method of collecting evaluative information in which the evaluator watches the subject in his or her usual environment without altering that environment.A method of collecting data in which a researcher simply views or listens to the subjects of the research, without asking specific questions or manipulating any variables.

Neuropsychological Test

If you're learning a skill that could lead to a specific job, like how to repair cars or how to be a chef, you're getting vocational training ,so something vocational is related to a specific kind of work. A predictive test designed to measure an individual's potential for success and satisfaction in any of various occupations and professions.

Intelligence Test

A questionnaire designed to measure intelligence. We measure learning and/or ability in a wide variety of areas and skills. Scores may be presented as an IQ (intelligence quotient), as a mental age, or on a scale.

Personality Test

To identify characteristic sets of behaviors, cognitions, and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors tihs test is a must!In the field of psychology, there are five higher-order and widely accepted personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.

Aptitude Test

An aptitude test is a systematic means of testing a job candidate's abilities to perform specific tasks and react to a range of different situations. ... No prior knowledge is assumed, as the tests seek to determine innate ability at a particular competency.

Ability Test

Ability tests are assessment tools with which, mostly employers, test and evaluate their employees or job candidates on certain skills and abilities. Assessment tests can measure various skills from problem solving, communication, manual dexterity, critical thinking and other.

Achievement Test

An achievement test is a test of developed skill or knowledge. The most common type of achievement test is a standardized test developed to measure skills and knowledge learned in a given grade level, usually through planned instruction, such as training or classroom instruction.

Vocational Aptitude Test

If you're learning a skill that could lead to a specific job, like how to repair cars or how to be a chef, you're getting vocational training ,so something vocational is related to a specific kind of work. A predictive test designed to measure an individual's potential for success and satisfaction in any of various occupations and professions.

Direct Observation Test

Direct observation, also known as observational study, is a method of collecting evaluative information in which the evaluator watches the subject in his or her usual environment without altering that environment.A method of collecting data in which a researcher simply views or listens to the subjects of the research, without asking specific questions or manipulating any variables.

Neuropsychological Test

If you're learning a skill that could lead to a specific job, like how to repair cars or how to be a chef, you're getting vocational training ,so something vocational is related to a specific kind of work. A predictive test designed to measure an individual's potential for success and satisfaction in any of various occupations and professions.

Let's pre-assess your psychology !

Test Yourself

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.

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is here for you

We at PSYCHOLOGIC are dedicated to help you find yourself through counselling and therapies that enhance your mental peace and prosperity.

Our Psychologist

Mrs. Sandhya S. Bhagwat

Counselling Psychologist

P.G.Diploma in Child and Family Counselling (Pune,MES)

Myself, Mrs Sandhya S. Bhagwat ,Being a teacher in computer field since 1994 and partly a software developer.

While going through my career i found some basic problems which the students cannot cope up in todays hard and fast life. Some of them were,


Going through these problems, i decided to pursue skills in the field of psychology.

Further I came to know about Dr Bharat Desai Sir , while going through his lectures which impressed me a-lot.

Hence I joined for Post Graduate Diploma in Child and Family Counselling under experienced faculties and excelled with distinction.

Today , I have a rich experience of 7 yrs as COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGIST currently practicing in Pune. So far I have handled more than 100 cases across varied dimensions.

Mrs. Sandhya S. Bhagwat

Counselling Psychologist

P.G.Diploma in Child and Family Counselling (Pune,MES)

Myself, Mrs Sandhya S. Bhagwat ,Being a teacher in computer field since 1994 and partly a software developer.

While going through my career i found some basic problems which the students cannot cope up in todays hard and fast life. Some of them were,


Going through these problems, i decided to pursue skills in the field of psychology.

Further I came to know about Dr Bharat Desai Sir , while going through his lectures which impressed me a-lot.

Hence I joined for Post Graduate Diploma in Child and Family Counselling under experienced faculties and excelled with distinction.

Today , I have a rich experience of 7 yrs as COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGIST currently practicing in Pune. So far I have handled more than 100 cases across varied dimensions.

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